The month of April, as we Sri Lankan call Bak Masaya marks the commencement of the season, which enriches our life with happiness, peace and love. Sinhala and Hindu new year brings dawn with the month of April, and it is a real blessing for

us, who are divided in race, religion, post, economic and social conditions as well as in geographical boundaries. In the meantime it is the symbol of unity and harmony.

Base of Sinhala and Hindu new tear is the auspicious time and it means working on time. Therefore we are keen in following all traditions such as eating, commencing work and leaving home for duty on the auspicious time. Every work that is commenced with a good intention has every possibility to gain the success and therefore every activity of New Year is based on that thinking and further above all, that intension paves the way for the auspicious time.

Despite the arguments on the auspicious times followed by us for a long time, I am of the view that it is worth to respect the traditions with a positive mind during the period which mark the transition of Sun from Meena rashi to Mesha rashi. The responsibility of the grownups of the society is to present their next generations these hidden realities of Sinhala and Hindu New Year celebrations transferring cultural values respected for a long time. Therefore, you, the seniors of the pensioners’ community, who are now celebrating this important cultural event with your sons, daughters and grandchildren, should be the leading figures in transferring these cultural values.

It is great a pleasure to inform that the cost of living allowance increased by the budget proposals -2024 has been included in your pension of April. Accordingly now the pensioners are receiving an amount of Rs. 2500 as the cost of living allowance increased as per the percentage of cost of living allowance entitled to them. However I should say that we are fully aware of the grievance of the pensioner’s community that their cost of living allowance is no way sufficient and further their pain for not paying the allowance from January 2024. Therefore we request you not to give up your hopes but to wait with a positive mind for the dialogue, which is being now carried out among Pensioners representing Pensioners’ Associations, Government and Department of Pensions.

In the meantime I take this opportunity to wish the pensioners community of more than 7, 10,000, officers of the Department of Pensions and officers serving at the Divisional Secretariats attached to Department of Pensions all over the Island and all Sri Lankans a happy Sinhala and Hindu New Year, which brings peace, harmony, and good health.


A Jagath D Dias,

Director General of Pensions


Department of Pensions, Maligawatta, Colombo 10.
Phone : +94 112 320 049
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Working hours : 8.30 AM - 4.15 PM
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