This pension is paid to the children who are born to male/ female public officer and with permanent mental or physical disability at the birth or become disable before reaching the age of 26 years which make such child unable to make his/ her living.

For this purpose, following provisions have been made with the inclusion of new section 29 to the previous section 29 by the Gazette Extraordinary No. 1719/3 dated 15.08.2011 and section 11 of  Widows' and Orphans' Pension Fund (Amendment) Act No 44 of 1981 

“29a. 'When it is decided by a Medical Board consists of three Medical Officers appointed by the Director of Health Services, that the orphan suffers from a physical or mental disability, which makes him/her unable to make livelihood, such orphan shall have the entitlement to a pension for the lifetime irrespective of the age' 

Further, regulations have been made also to section 7 of the Widowers' and Orphans' Pension Act by the above mentioned Gazette Extraordinary 

  • In case where widow/ widower is not living to receive benefits for the officers demise whilst in service, it is considered to grant entitlement to orphans' pension to orphans born to the contributor, if there are such orphans.
  • Further, when a male/ female pensioner, who is receiving a pension, demises, the entitlement to W&OP is granted to widow/ widower and then to the orphans after the death of widow/ widower. 
  • The pension file maintained at the Divisional Secretariat should be submitted to the Department of Pensions along with PD4 application perfected for the disabled orphan, application 1 for disability perfected as per Pensions Circular No. 01/2009, Health 309 report, medical reports to confirm that the disability occurred before the age of 26 years, recommendation on the guardian and the report with conclusions, and recommendations after making a preliminary examination.
  • In case where both mother and father are contributors of W&OP scheme, the entitlement of both is granted to the orphan.
  • In terms of the decision of the Director General of Pensions dated 25.02.2014, the higher salary in full from the salaries mother and father will be paid along with 50% from the lower salary.  
  • In terms of the policy decision no Pol/14/05/06  of the committee dated 05.08.2014, payment  is commenced to the children with born disability based on the date on which the recommendation of the Medical Board is given.
  • Further as per the policy decision no Pol/14/05/07  of the committee dated 05.08.2014, payments will be made to children, who are not disabled by birth, directing such children once in five years to a Medical Board for getting a confirmation as to whether the disability still exists.
Role of the institution in the application process

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Process to be followed by the Department

10 3

Required documents
  • PD 4 application
  • Application of the Armed Forces (If the male/female contributor is in Armed Forces)
  • Disab 1 application 
  • Death certificate of the Contributor - First copies obtained from Additional District/ District Registrar 
  • Death certificate of the spouse - First copies obtained from Additional District/ District Registrar 
  • Birth certificate of the contributor - First copies obtained from Additional District/ District Registrar  
  • Birth certificate of the spouse - First copies obtained from Additional District/ District Registrar 
  • Marriage certificate
  • Birth certificates of orphan/s 
  • Certified copy of N I C of the orphan child  *       
  • Certified copy of N I C of the  guardian*
  • If payment is made to the orphan child, certified copy of the bank pass book *
  • If payment is made under the guardianship of a guardian, certified copy of his/ her bank pass book *
  • Health 307 report 
  • Medical reports before the age of 26 years 
  • Report of the preliminary report conducted by Divisional Secretary and his/ her recommendation 
  • First pension file 
  • A proper confirmation , if any difference is found in the name of the contributor 
  • In case of a previous marriage of contributor or spouse , first copies of the following documents  of such marriages
    • Marriage certificates
    • Divorce certificates to confirm the way of ending such marriage (For Kandyan marriages)  
    • Absolute order of the divorce 
    • Death certificate 
  • If the disabled child is in a children's home , relevant particulars 
    • Monthly estimate on expenditure 
    • Documents to prove that such children's home has been registered under Government 
  • Full photograph of the disabled child
  • If the disabled child is married, report of the Divisional Secretary  with the recommendation of  Grama Niladhari on the child's income/ ownership for properties/income of the family 

*To be certified by Grama Niladhari.

*The bank account should be an individual and savings account.

Ordinances, Acts and Circulars applied
Types of code numbers applied
  • Widows Disability pension - 24
  • Widowers Disability Pension - 28
  • Armed Forces Disability Pension - 42
  • Armed Forces Widowers Disability Pension - 46


Department of Pensions, Maligawatta, Colombo 10.
Phone : +94 112 320 049
Fax : +94 112 320 049
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Working hours : 8.30 AM - 4.15 PM
1970 Hotline